Feminized Collection

(1 customer review)


Having a hard time deciding which strain you want to grow?

The cannabis community is an enormous place and this worldwide interest means there are innovative new breeders developing mind-blowing and delectable new strains all the time. We love it, we really do – but it can be a hard place to navigate. Yet so far you have done well as your search led you here! You have reached the source of those dreams you have been having. Super Strains isn’t to be compared with popular seed banks, our portfolio of 20 seed strains are not only world famous – we made them and they are 100% exclusive to us. Let Super Strains make the selection easy for you with our Feminized Collection. Each feminized collection pack features three of our finest – award winning – feminized strains. As these three also represent our most popular feminized seeds, we felt it necessary to offer them together in this special feminized collection pack. A unique combination that showcases the very best bunker-busting strains in our portfolio – offered in a well-priced bundle.

The Feminized Collection contains 3 different feminized seeds:

Feminized Collection